New Books for March

New Books
The Luria Library is continously adding new books to the collection to meet the needs and interests of students, faculty, and staff. Although we are in the midst of the COVID-19 crisis, and the library doors are currently closed, we offer this list to you to build anticipation. In fact, you can select any of the books and save to your Favorites by signing in and then clicking the pin icon. Then, when we open again you can have your list ready. We know it's not ideal, but it is the best we can do given the circumstances.
Censored & banned literature
098.1 E92c 2019
Range : why generalists triumph in a specialized world
Epstein, David J., 1983-
153.9 E64r 2019
Finding meaning : the sixth stage of grief
Kessler, David, 1959-
155.9 K42f 2019
The laws of human nature
Greene, Robert,
158 G811L 2018
How technology is changing human behavior : issues and benefits
303.48 P896h 2019
Antisocial : online extremists, techno-utopians, and the hijacking of the American
Marantz, Andrew,
303.484 M311a 2019
Gender inequality : a reference handbook
Newton, David E.,
305.42 N562g 2019
Superior : the return of race science
Saini, Angela, 1980-
305.8 S132s 2019
America for Americans : a history of xenophobia in the United States
Lee, Erika,
305.800973 L477a 2019
African Americans and Africa : a new history
Blyden, Nemata Amelia, 1964-
305.896073 B661a 2019
Muslim cool : race, religion, and hip hop in the United States
Khabeer, Su'ad Abdul, 1978-
305.896073 K451m 2016
The displaced : refugee writers on refugee lives
305.9 N576d 2018
Tightrope : Americans reaching for hope
Kristof, Nicholas D., 1959-
306.0973 K92t 2020
Sweet taste of liberty : a true story of slavery and restitution in America
McDaniel, W. Caleb 1979- (William Caleb),
306.362 M134s 2019
Slaves among us : the hidden world of human trafficking
Villa, Monique, 1948-
306.362 V712s 2019
Love, lust & faking it : the naked truth about sex, lies, and true romance
McCarthy, Jenny, 1972-
306.7082 M123L 2010
Getting screwed : sex workers and the law
Bass, Alison.
306.74 B317g 2015
When Brooklyn was queer
Ryan, Hugh, 1978-
306.76 R988w 2019
In a queer voice : journeys of resilience from adolescence to adulthood
Sadowski, Michael.
306.76 S126i 2013
Trans kids : being gendered in the twenty-first century
Meadow, Tey, 1976-
306.768 M482t 2018
Boundaries of love : interracial marriage and the meaning of race
Osuji, Chinyere K.,
306.846 O85b 2019
Barrio America : how Latino immigrants saved the American city
Sandoval-Strausz, A. K.,
307.3416 S218b 2019
Guide to interest groups and lobbying in the United States
324.4 L863g 2012
The woman's hour : the great fight to win the vote
Weiss, Elaine F., 1952-
324.623 W429w 2018
Guarding the golden door : American immigration policy and immigrants since 1882
Daniels, Roger.
325.73 D186g
Permanent record
Snowden, Edward J., 1983-
327.12 S674p 2019
Congress : the first branch
Ginsberg, Benjamin
328.73 G493c 2019
Why Superman doesn't take over the world : what superheroes can tell us about economics
O'Roark, J. Brian,
330 O74w 2019
Transaction man : the rise of the deal and the decline of the American dream
Lemann, Nicholas,
330.973 L547t 2019
Women's work : a reckoning with home and help
Stack, Megan K.,
331.4 S775w 2019
The state of water : understanding California's most precious resource
Kaufmann, Obi, illustrator.
333.91 K21s 2019
The enlightened capitalists : cautionary tales of business pioneers who tried to do
well by doing good
O'Toole, James.
338.092 O88e 2019
Rockonomics : a backstage tour of what the music industry can teach us about economics
and life
Krueger, Alan B.,
338.4778 K94r 2019
IBM : the rise and fall and reinvention of a global icon
Cortada, James W.
338.7 C827i 2019
The code : Silicon Valley and the remaking of America
O'Mara, Margaret Pugh, 1970-
338.709794 O54c 2019
Separate : the story of Plessy v. Ferguson, and America's journey from slavery to
Luxenberg, Steve,
342.730873 L977s 2019
Conversations with RBG : Ruth Bader Ginsburg on life, love, liberty, and law
Rosen, Jeffrey, 1964-
347.7326 G493R 2019
Suspect citizens : what 20 million traffic stops tell us about policing and race
Baumgartner, Frank R., 1958-
363.23089 B347s 2018
Hands up, don't shoot : why the protests in Ferguson and Baltimore matter, and how
they changed America
Cobbina, Jennifer,
363.232 C654h 2019
Corruption, accountability and discretion
364.1323 L742c 2017
Let the people see : the story of Emmett Till
Gorn, Elliott J., 1951-
364.134 T574G 2018
Grace will lead us home : the Charleston Church Massacre and the hard, inspiring journey
to forgiveness
Hawes, Jennifer (Jennifer Berry),
364.152 H391g 2019
Know my name : a memoir
Miller, Chanel,
364.1532 M647k 2019
Self-care for college students : from orientation to graduation, 150+ easy ways to
stay happy, healthy, and stress-free
Dellitt, Julia,
378.198 D357s 2019
Sold my soul for a student loan : higher education and the political economy of the
Kirsch, Daniel (Daniel T.),
378.362 K61s 2019
Secondhand : travels in the new global garage sale
Minter, Adam, 1970-
381.19 M667s 2019
What's your pronoun? : beyond he & she
Baron, Dennis E.,
425.55 B265w 2020
Infinite powers : how calculus reveals the secrets of the universe
Strogatz, Steven H. (Steven Henry),
515 S921i 2019
The ice at the end of the world : an epic journey into Greenland's buried past and
our perilous future
Gertner, Jon,
559.82 G384i 2019
Essentials of developmental plant anatomy
Steeves, Taylor A., 1926-
571.3 S815e 2019
Supernavigators : exploring the wonders of how animals find their way
Barrie, David, 1953-
573.87 B275s 2019
Fire in California's ecosystems
577.24 S947f 2018
The curious world of seaweed
Iselin, Josie,
579.8177 I78c 2019
Seaweed chronicles : a world at the water's edge
Shetterly, Susan Hand, 1942-
579.8177 S554s 2018
The revolutionary genius of plants : a new understanding of plant intelligence and
Mancuso, Stefano,
580 M269r 2018
The nature of plant communities
Wilson, J. Bastow
581.7 W749n 2019
The natural history of flowers
Fogden, Michael,
582.13 F655n 2018
Blossoms and the genes that make them
Singer, Maxine,
582.13 S617b 2018
Sprout lands : tending the endless gift of trees
Logan, William Bryant,
582.16 L831s 2019
The architecture of trees
Leonardi, Cesare,
582.16094 L581a 2019
Lewington, Anna,
583.976 L672b 2018
Harris, Stephen A.,
583.983 H316s 2018
Gray, Fred,
584.5 G778p 2018
Buzz, sting, bite : why we need insects
Sverdrup-Thygeson, Anne,
595.7 T549b 2019
The mosquito : a human history of our deadliest predator
Winegard, Timothy C. 1977- (Timothy Charles),
595.771 W767m 2019
The last butterflies : a scientist's quest to save a rare and vanishing creature
Haddad, Nick,
595.78 H126L 2019
The body : a guide for occupants
Bryson, Bill,
612 B916b 2019
Fires of life : endothermy in birds and mammals
Lovegrove, Barry,
612 L897f 2019
Mescaline : a global history of the first psychedelic
Jay, Mike, 1959 December 14-
615.788 J42m 2019
Choked : life and breath in the age of air pollution
Gardiner, Beth,
615.9 G226c 2019
Speaking for the dying : life-and-death decisions in intensive care
Shapiro, Susan P.,
616.029 S529s 2019
Volume control : hearing in a deafening world
Owen, David, 1955-
617.8 O97v 2019
The myth of the perfect pregnancy : a history of miscarriage in America
Freidenfelds, Lara, 1972-
618.392 F862m 2020
Pepper : a guide to the world's favorite spice
Barth, Joe, 1950-
633.84 B284p 2019
Horwood, Catherine
635.933 H824r 2018
The power of showing up : how parental presence shapes who our kids become and how
their brains get wired
Siegel, Daniel J., 1957-
649.1 S571p 2020
The invisible brand : marketing in the age of automation, big data, and machine learning
Ammerman, William, 1967-
658.8 A518i 2019
The social impact of advertising : confessions of an (ex-)advertising man
Kelso, Tony.
659.1 K29s 2019
Unspeakable acts : women, art, and sexual violence in the 1970s
Princenthal, Nancy,
700.103 P957u 2019
When I remember I see red : American Indian art and activism in California
704.0397 L311w 2019
Black refractions : highlights from the Studio Museum in Harlem
Choi, Connie H.,
708.1471 C545b 2019
A history of art history
Wood, Christopher S.,
709 W874h 2019
Outside in : the architecture of Smith and Williams
Smith and Williams, architects.
720.92 S663o 2014
Striking iron : the art of African blacksmiths
739.4096 R643s 2019
EC Comics : race, shock, and social protest
Whitted, Qiana J., 1974-
741.5 W624e 2019
The power of color : five centuries of European painting
Hall, Marcia B.
752 H178p 2019
Seeing science : how photography reveals the universe
770 H465s 2019
City songs and American life, 1900-1950
Lasser, Michael L.,
782.42164 L347c 2019
Rocket man : the life of Elton John
Bego, Mark,
782.42166 J65B 2020
The Coen Brothers' America
Booker, M. Keith,
791.430233 C672xBo 2019
The movie musical!
Basinger, Jeanine,
791.436 B313m 2019
Climbing rock : vertical explorations across North America
Lynch, Jesse,
796.5223 L987c 2019
Life of the indigenous mind : Vine Deloria Jr. and the birth of the Red Power movement
Martinez, David, 1963-
810.8 M385L 2019
Was the Cat in the Hat black? : the hidden racism of children's literature, and the
need for diverse books
Nel, Philip, 1969-
810.9 N419w 2017
Love unknown : the life and worlds of Elizabeth Bishop
Travisano, Thomas J., 1951-
811.54 B622xT 2019
The origin of others
Morrison, Toni,
813.54 M882o 2017
Alice Walker : a woman for our times
Plant, Deborah G., 1956-
813.54 W177xP 2017
Bird songs don't lie : writings from the rez
Johnson, Gordon Lee, 1951-
813.6 J67b 2018
Shapes of Native nonfiction : collected essays by contemporary writers
814 W319s 2019
Alta California : from San Diego to San Francisco, a journey on foot to rediscover
the Golden State
Neely, Nick,
917.9404 N379a 2019
Life after Manzanar
Hirahara, Naomi, 1962-
940.5317 H688L 2018
The coming of the Third Reich
Evans, Richard J.
943.08 E92c
Germany after the First World War
Bessel, Richard.
943.085 B557g
The Weimar Republic : the crisis of classical modernity
Peukert, Detlev.
943.085 P514w
The history of Spain
Pierson, Peter,
946 P642h 2019
The history of Taiwan
Li, Xiaobing, 1954-
951.249 L693h 2019
Contemporary India
Datta, Rekha,
954.05 D234c 2018
The hundred years' war on Palestine : a history of settler colonialism and resistance,
Khalidi, Rashid,
956.9405 K45h 2020
The history of Libya
Oyeniyi, Bukola Adeyemi,
961.2 O98h 2019
Forging communities in colonial Alta California
970.00497 H913f 2018
Daily life of the Aztecs : people of the sun and earth
Carrasco, David.
972.014 C313d
Presidential misconduct : from George Washington to today
973.099 B219p 2019
A heartbreaking work of staggering genius
Eggers, Dave,
973.92 E29h
Right from the beginning
Buchanan, Patrick J. 1938- (Patrick Joseph),
973.927 B918r
Trick mirror : reflections on self-delusion
Tolentino, Jia,
973.93 T649t 2019
This land is their land : the Wampanoag Indians, Plymouth Colony, and the troubled
history of Thanksgiving
Silverman, David J., 1971-
974.4004 S587t 2019
Foragers on America's western edge : the archaeology of California's Pecho Coast
Jones, Terry L.,
979.478 J79f 2019
The history of Chile
Rector, John Lawrence, 1943-
983 R311h 2019
McGraw-Hill Education essential ESL dictionary for learners of English
ABE 423.1 E78 2015
The moonstone
Wharry, David,
ABE F C713m tW 2008
I, robot
Asimov, Isaac, 1920-1992,
F A832i 2008
Sense and sensibility
Austen, Jane, 1775-1817,
F A933s 1992
Molloy ; Malone dies ; The unnamable
Beckett, Samuel, 1906-1989,
F B396m 2015
The Aleph and other stories, 1933-1969, together with commentaries and an autobiographical
Borges, Jorge Luis, 1899-1986.
F B732a
The complete short novels
Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich, 1860-1904.
F C515A-c 2004
2001 : a space odyssey
Clarke, Arthur C. 1917-2008, (Arthur Charles),
F C597t 2016
A tale of two cities
Dickens, Charles, 1812-1870.
F D548C-ta 1993
Crime and punishment
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, 1821-1881,
F D724c 2018
Hitting a straight lick with a crooked stick : stories from the Harlem Renaissance
Hurston, Zora Neale,
F H966h 2020
Joyce, James, 1882-1941.
F J89u 1992
Carson McCullers, complete novels.
McCullers, Carson, 1917-1967.
F M133C-n 2001
Four novels of the 1950s
Macdonald, Ross, 1915-1983,
F M135R-f 2015
Three novels of the early 1960s
Macdonald, Ross, 1915-1983,
F M135R-t 2016
Of human bondage
Maugham, W. Somerset 1874-1965, (William Somerset),
F M449o 2015
The tale of Genji
Murasaki Shikibu, 978?-
F M972t 1992
Quichotte : a novel
Rushdie, Salman,
F R953S-q 2019
East of Eden
Steinbeck, John, 1902-1968.
F S819J-e 2003
The time machine ; The invisible man ; The war of the worlds
Wells, H. G. 1866-1946. (Herbert George),
F W454n 2010
Carry on, Jeeves
Wodehouse, P. G. 1881-1975. (Pelham Grenville),
F W838c 2003
Nyong'o, Lupita,
J F N997s 2019
The Oxford book of Irish short stories
SS T816o 2001