District Technology Committee
Committee Purpose
The District Technology Committee:
- Makes recommendations to the College Planning Council on Information Technology (IT) planning priorities, new IT resources and requests, and IT policies;
- Oversees and implements the District Technology Plan;
- Assesses the effectiveness of technology planning on each of the following six benchmarks:
- stakeholder needs and expectations
- empowerment of the individual
- efficient, effective, and secure operational processes
- meeting or exceeding the technology provided by peer institutions
- relevance to both the Educational Vision Plan and the District Technology Plan
- support of the District’s equity, sustainability, and Section 508 accessibility goals.
- Functions as technical support and resources to units of the College that are using technology to serve students, faculty, staff, and community-based organizations.
- Provides a venue for exploring priorities and challenges units of the College are facing related to use of technology.
- Executive Director, Information Technology, Chair (Vacant)
- Vice President, Business Services or designee (Chris Renbarger)
- Five faculty representatives appointed by the Academic Senate which must include:
- Academic Senate President or designee (Kim Monda)
- Chair of the Instructional Technology Committee (Laurie Vasquez)
- Educational Support representative (Laurie Vasquez, Kathy O'Connor)
- Library / LRC Representative (Corrie Bott)
- One representative from each area:
- Human Resources (Deneatrice Lewis, Perla Jones)
- Student Affairs (Christopher Johnson)
- Academic Affairs (Beth Taylor Schott)
- Three classified staff representatives appointed by the CSEA (Liz Auchincloss, Lisa Lopez, Regina Williams)
- Director, Infrastructure & Security or designee (Jim Clark)
- Director, User Support Services or designee (Jason Walker)
- Director, Administrative Systems or designee (Thomas Applebay)
- Executive Director, Institutional Assessment, Research, and Planning or designee (Keller Magenau)
- One Associated Student Government representative (Bryan Wong)
- School of Extended Learning representative appointed by the VP SEL (TBA)
All members are appointed by their respective governance groups.
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Meetings, Agendas, and Minutes
See upcoming meeting dates, and view agendas and minutes from previous meetings

Additional Resources
Committee files and documents available for view/download